Sunday, March 21, 2010


  1. This script is taking about how to detect the lier. And It show us 9 step to find out the lier.
    1step : pretend to touch their face and scratch their nose a lot
    2step : much blinking eyes and do not make eyecontact
    3step : keep attraction and didn't say full name, and speak he or she etc
    4step : show up creepy half smile in their face
    5step : arms crossed and scratch theis head unconsciously.
    6step : make silence uncomfortable
    7step : people tend to be change the subject

    I always detect the lier in many situation. This script help me any situaton. But all people do not act like this. So I have to take ability to find out other siutation lier
    박창희(chang hee park) 32102178

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  3. This video clip shows us how to detect a lie as follows. (In this situation, we only need a good ear, good eyes,and healthy skepticism.)
    1. excessive face touching like scretching nose.
    2. lier usually blink many times his eyes and don't make eyecontact.
    3. keep attraction and speak he or she instead full name.
    4. lier smile just a mouth.
    5. lier has defensive positioning like folding their arms.
    6. lier make silence uncomfortable.
    7. Pay attention details.
    8. lier tend to change subject.

    This script shows us many tips. But these are known to us. So, People who really want to lie are careful. Therefore, these are very difficult to applying real life.
    김은애(Kim Eun-ae) 32102162

  4. This video clip teach us liar's behavior in list.
    1st. Excessive face touching like Thouch their face, scratch their nose.
    2nd. Erratic eye behavior like blink a lot.
    3rd. Unnatural speech like using someone's full name instead of he or she.
    4th. creepy half smiling like liar's smile just a mouth.
    5th. deffensive positioning like unconsciously put in object between you like cup of coffee.
    6th. Pause-induced discomfort.
    7th. Hyper-specific fabricating.
    8th. Dropped topic elation.

    I think this video clip teach us good thing.
    First we can find out liar from these liar's behavior. Secondly When we lie unvoidably, we can be careful about these behavior. Then we can deceive another person perfectly.
    이태용(Lee TaeYong) 32102032

  5. This video teaches us how to detect a lie.
    first of all, we need good ear,eyes, skeptisim attitude.
    The following are steps of identifying suspisious liar.
    step 1. watch the face. liar touches face excessively.
    step 2. follow the eyes. liar blinks eyes errarically.
    step 3. note theirs words. liar speechs unnaturally like saying he or she instead of full name.
    step 4. check theirs smile. liar smiles just mouth creepily.
    step 5. notice thirs posture. liar poses defensive position.
    step 6. check if the person induce silence.
    step 7. pay attention in detail if people say specifically.
    step 8. check if the person change the subject.

    I've usually said a lie. I think I am good at a lie. But whenever I said a lie, I was caught.
    affter watching this video, I know Why I was discovered.
    First of all, I smile just mouth awkardly. And If friend ask in detail, I didn't answer naturally.
    After of all, a lie is always caught. So we must not say a lie.

  6. This video clip is about how to detect a lie.
    If you want detect a lie ,follow this 9 step.
    1step.Liar is touch their face and scratch their nose a lot
    2step.Liar is blink his eyes a lot and don't make eyecontact.
    3step.Liar speach unnaturally.
    4step.Liar shows half smile in their face.
    5step.Liar takes defensive positioning.
    6step.Liar makes silence uncomfortable.
    7step.Liar pay atteintion detail.
    8step.Liar tends to change subject.

    This video clip is very surprise.
    because when I'm lying , I act these step.
    After saw this video clip If I lied, I care about some of these behaviors
    최연진(Choi Yeon Jin) 32102230

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  8. This video clip tells us how to detect a lie. How can we tell whether someone is lying or not in front of us. This video gives us some tips. If we have good ear, good eyes and healthy skepticism, we could recognize if someone is lying or not. There are several distinctive behaviors that liars may do.
    1. Liars are touching his/her face excessively and scratching their nose a lot.
    2. They blink a lot and try not to make an eye contact.
    3. They usually say "I did not" and speak unnaturally.
    4. Only muscles around the mouth are involved when they are telling a lie to you.
    5. Liars do defensive positioning unconsciously.
    6. If he/she is a liar, definitely silence makes him/her uncomfortable.
    7. If they provide information a lot which is unnecessary, that's a bad sign.
    8. They tend to change the subject. - If you think someone is lying to you, why don't you change the subject of conversation quickly? You can see that a liar becomes more comfortable and relaxed.

    This youtube video gives me a chance to think that what did I do when I was telling a lie to somebody. I probably did one of them that mentioned above. I think this video is worth watching. I realized gestures are crucial in detecting lies. I guess this knowledge is so useful when we should tell the truth from a lie. Also, we can protect ourselves from possible deceptions.

    이강훈(Lee Kanghoon) 32102202

  9. This video clip show us how to detect a liar.
    1.If he or she is liar, they touch their face excessively.
    2.Liar blinks eyes errarically.
    3.They speech unnaturally.
    4.Liar shows half smile in their face.
    5.Show up defensive positioning.
    6.They repetedely make silence.
    7.Pay attention in detail if people say specifically.
    8.They want to change the subject.

    This video clip is very useful to us.
    Now we can pick up a liar easily. If someone is lie to me, I use this tools and find a clue.

    박진현 32102176

  10. This clip introduce how to detect lie with 8 steps.
    1. If he or she is a liar, he or she often touch his/her face.
    2. If he or she is a liar, he or she be blinking eyes.
    3. If he or she is a liar, he or she say person's full name.
    4. If he or she is a liar, he or she smiles half.
    5. If he or she is a liar, he or she does depensive position.
    6. If he or she is a liar, he or she slients uncomfortly.
    7.If he or she is a liar, he or she will pay attention detailed.
    8.If he or she is a liar, he or she tries to change subjects.

    One of My friends is do very many lies.
    So I will use this tips to him. haha..
    By the way, This clip provide tips of detecting lie. This information is useful to us when we feel that somebody says lie.

    이택진(lee taek jin) 32101951

  11. This clip is help us to detect the lair.
    we are need good ear, good eyes, healthy skepticism and more need 7 step.
    1step, pretend to touch their face and scratch their nose a lot
    2step, much blinking eyes and do not make eyecontact
    3step, keep attraction and didn't say full name, and speak he or she etc
    4step, show up creepy half smile in their face
    5step, arms crossed and scratch theis head unconsciously.
    6step, make silence uncomfortable
    7step, people tend to be change the subject

    this clip is very useful for us. we face up to this situation, so this clip is very good for us. i try to this tips to detect liars

    32101901 김현우(Kim Hyun Woo)

  12. The video shows us that how to detect a lie.
    how? we can see 8 step.
    1.liar touch face excessively.
    2.liar often blinking eye.
    3.liar say person's full name
    4.liar not smile but half smile.
    5.liar pose for depensively.
    6.liar repetedely make silence.
    7.liar pay attenation in detail.
    8.liay want to change the subject.

    it's video very useful!!
    if, i konw this list, i will distinguish liar.
    but we shouldn't judge people who like that.
    it's do not tells us all poeple do that.

    32102023 안선호(Ahn Sun Ho)

  13. This video teach us how to detect a lie.
    We need good ear, good eyes, and healty skepticism.
    And we have to pay attention to 8 habits of a liar.

    1. Excessive face touching
    2. Erratic eye behavior(blinking eye ,aviod eye contacting)
    3. Unnatural speech(say "I didn't", speak he or she instead of person's full name)
    4. Creepy half smiling(smile just a mouth)
    5. Defensive positioning(folding arms)
    6. Uncomfortable in silence
    7. Hyper-specific information
    8. Relieved when change subject

    This video teach us useful information.
    From now on we can detect a lie easily.
    But it is too early to conclude that he is the liar when see 8 habits. He may be not liar.
    It can be only his habit.

    32102167 김준태(Kim jun tae)

  14. This clip show us how to detect a lie. There should be good ear, good eyes, healthy skepticism for that. Here are 8 steps.
    step 1. watch his body language because people tend to touch their face and scratch their nose when they lie.
    step 2. follow their eyes. liars tend to blink a lot and don't maintain eyecontact.
    step 3. liars speech unnatually like saying he or she instead of full name.
    step 4. check their smile
    step 5. notice their posture
    step 6. liars feel silence uncomfortable
    step 7. pay attention the details. liars provide more information than necessary.
    step 8. They want to change the subject.

    This clip is so useful to us. when we lie something, many people do this including me.
    But we shouldn't suspect people unconditionally.

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  16. This video is about how to detect a lie.
    First, we need to good ears, good eyes, healty skepticism and we can see 8 step liar behavior.
    1.Liar touch their face excessively.
    2.Liar blink eye and avoid eye contact.
    3.Liar say someone's full name.
    4.Liar smile but just mouth.
    5.Liar pose defnsive position.
    6.Liar slients uncomfortly.
    7.Liar pay attention to detail.
    8.Liar change subject.

    During I watch the clip, I think my experience. When I was lie, I have been like that. Thanks to this clip, I exactly know liar's behavior and also I don't beavior like that. Since than I never say lie.
    After than now I can more figure out liar.

    32101965 정동준(Jeong Dong Joon)

  17. This video clip is very useful.
    This video teach us how to detect a liar.
    First, Look at the face, Liar touch the face.
    Second, Look at the eye, Liar eye is blinking
    Thrid, Look at the his speeking, Liar says Full Name.
    Fourth,Look at the mouse, Liar smile half.
    Fifth, Look at the body, depence position
    Sixth, Look at the behaivor, Silence repeat
    Seventh, Look at the behavior, pay attention
    Final, Look at the speeking, Liar hope change the subject

    I think that this video is very useful.
    I think that this video is very Funny.
    Thank you good bye.
    32101880 강승균(Kang Seung Kyun)

  18. This video clip teach us how to detect a lie.
    We will need good ear,good eyes,and healthy skepticism.
    Step1, watch the hand. Liar is excessive face touching.
    Step2, follow the eyes. Liar is erratic eye behavior.
    Step3, note theirs words. Liar is unnatral speech.
    Step4, check theirs smile. Liar is creepy half smiling.
    Step5, notice thieris posture. Liar is defensive positioning.
    Stpe6, liar is pause-induced discomfort.
    Step7, pay attention details. Liar is hyper specific fabrication.
    Step8, Liar change the subject.

    This video clip is very useful. But i think everything is not correct in video. Because there is an obvious contrast between the cultures of cast and west.

    32101997 김성수(Kim Sung Su)

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  20. this video clip shows us how to detect a lie.
    Of course, we will do at it is on condition that we have a good ear, good eyes,and healthy skepticism.
    Step 1.Detect excessive face touching
    step 2.Check the lier's eye blink or that he does not eyecontact consciously.
    step 3.Notice the liar's words.
    the liar perhaps avoids saying fullname instead of he or she.
    step 4.Check the smile.
    People who are telling the truth use many facial muscle but the liar only uses a mouth.
    step 5.Notice the liar's posture.
    The liar unconsciously takes defensive positioning.
    step 6.If he or she is a liar, there is a silence uncomfortable.
    step 7.Pay attention the details.
    If they provide more information unneccesary,
    that's a bad sign that he or she lied.
    step 8.the liar usually changes the subject.

    My opinon.
    this video clip is effectvely used to detect the liar's behavior.
    But This method is often not used because people's skepticism will increase.
    All we have to say not a lie but a truth.

    32102025 유영진(Yoo Young Jin)

  21. This Tv ads is introducing how to detect a lie.
    lier's behavior may be summarized as follows.
    First. Liers are touch the face or scratch their nose.
    Second. As you follows their eyes, they will avoid yours. they don't meet eye contact.
    Third. They use unnatural speech like contraction like "I did not" or "I didn't"
    Fourth. As their smile, usually people use many face muscles. but liers use just mouth.
    Fifth. They take defensive positioning during speaking like squat arm or hold coffee.
    Sixth. If you pause induced, they are very discomfort.
    Seventh. If their story is hyper-specific, may be that person is lier.
    Eighth. Change the subject. If she or he is lier, the person is elation.

    These list have new way I don't know already. May be will be useful later.
    I think that this is instructive image batter than last ads. because we can apply real life as detect the lier. Forward as speaking someone, I will pay attention to someone behavior.

    32102005 김채경 (Kim Chae Kyung)

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  24. This video shows how to detect a lie. This video shows Typical liar's action 9.
    1. Liars excessive face touching. for example scratch their nose.
    2. Erratic eye behavior. not contact and much blinking
    3. Unnatural speech like call full name
    4. Creepy half smiling
    5. Defensive positioning like
    6. Pause-induced discomfort
    7. Liars pay attention detail
    8. Change the subject

    This tips useful some people.Because i don't act that action when i lie.
    And My little brother lie many times. when i think my brother say lying, i watch my brother's action.

    32101972 조희연 (Jo Hee-yeon)

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  26. This video tells us how to detect a liar. It has 8 steps and you will also need good ears,good eyes and healty skepticism.
    1.A liar takes a excessive action like touching the face and scratch their nose or ears.
    2.He or she(a liar) blinks a lot and don't maintain eyecontact.
    3.He or she(a liar) absolutely denies or indicates other person.
    4.he or she takes an artifictial smile. so you will check their smiles.
    5.he or she acts a defensive position like closing their arms and gives attention to other object.
    6.they make silence uncomfortable.
    7.they explain a detail.
    8.Change other subject and then he or she feels relieved or has a smile.

    I think this video make an effect on detecting a liar. Unless,they have evidence, this method take no worth.
    But, this video is conveniencely used. In conclusion, Remember this method so, use it.

    32101978 최영준(choi yeong jun)

  27. This video,If we have good ear, good eyes, good skepticism, we can detech a liar behavior easily.
    1step.Liar is touch their face and scratch their nose a lot
    2step.Liar usually blink many times his eyes and don't make eyecontact.
    3step.Liar say someone's full name
    4step.Liar shows half smile in their face.
    5step.Liar takes defensive positioning.
    6step.Liar feel silence uncomfortable
    7step.Liar pay atteintion detail.
    8step.Liar tends to change subject.

    I knew whether or not people did a lie by only feeling.but i find out many how to detech a lie behavior in this video.
    It isn't for this way to be always right, but I am interesting, and it is funny

    32102043 정재호 (Jeong Jae Ho)

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  29. This Tv ads tell us how to detect a lie.

    First, We must have good ears, good eyes, Healthy Skepticism.
    Second, find excessive face touching
    third, Follow lier's eye blink or that he doesn't eyecontact
    Fourth, The liar avoids saying fullname instead of he,
    Fifth, Check the smile.
    when telling the truth uses many facial muscle but when telling the lie only uses a mouth.
    Sixth, Notice the liar's posture.
    The liar unconsciously takes defensive positioning.
    Seventh, there are some silence uncomfortable Things.
    Eighth, Pay attention the details.
    when they provide more information unneccesary, that's a bad sign that he or she lied.
    Ninth, the liar usually changes the subject.

    Those list is So unfamiliarity to me.
    These ad also give me many information and so impressive to me.
    Next time I met when he is maybe liar, these ways give me many helps.

    32102211 이현빈(Lee Hyun Bin)

  30. This vedio shows us how to detect a liar.
    1step:Liar touches their face like nose.
    2step:Liar blinks his/her eyes and doesn't make eyecontact.
    3step:Liar usually says "I did not" and speak unnatural.
    4step:Liar shows up creepy half smile in theis face.
    5step:Liar acts a defensive positioning like closing their arms.
    6step:Liar makes uncomfortable silence repeatedly.
    7step:Liar pays atteintion detail.
    8step:Liar tends to change the subject.

    I sympathy this vedio clip. In my experience, Liars don't make eyecontact.
    To this vedio clip, I learn how to keep away from liars.

    32101938 이성천 (Lee Sungchun)

  31. This video clip teach us how to find out liar.
    step 1. If we watch the face, liar touches face excessively.
    step 2. If we follow the liar's eyes, liar blinks eyes frequently.
    step 3. If we note theirs words. liar speechs unnaturally like saying he or she instead of full name.
    step 4. check theirs smile. liar smiles just with mouth.
    step 5. notice thirs posture. liar poses defensive position.
    step 6. check if the person induce silence.
    step 7. pay attention in detail if people say specifically.
    step 8. check if the person change the subject.

    This video clip told me very important information. It will be very useful to find out who is going to lie or lied to me.
    And also when I tell a lie I would not to do those 8 things. So listener would not notice that I'm lying.

    32101851 류기성

  32. How to dtect a lie?
    we can inform that from this video
    step1. excessive face touching like rub nose
    or face
    step2. extratic eye behavior like avoid eye - contecting
    step3. unnatural speach such as "i didn't",
    "he or she"
    step4. creepy half smiling just with mouth
    step5. defensive positioning like arm cross
    or touching some object
    step6. pause - induced discomfort
    step7. hyper - specific fabricating like
    unnececessary body sign
    step8. dropped tpic elation let's change the
    and then check his reaction

    I think that this detective mention is not completely correct. Because there are many types of habit, we shoud not detect him who is lying with only this mention. He can upset beacause of you

    32101876 함아름 t

  33. This video shows how to detect a lie the suspector's hand

    2.follow their eyes

    3.unnatural speech

    4.check their smile

    5. deffensive position

    6.If silence makes them uncomfortable, they are lying attention to details

    8.changing the subjects

    This is very useful

    I should learn thos skills by heart

    However, this shouldn't be the only way that detects liers


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  35. This clip tells us how to detect a liar.
    1st, Watch the suspector's hand.
    2nd, Follow their eyes.
    3rd, Note their words.
    4th, Check the smile.
    5th, Notice their posture.
    6th, Pause moment telling for responding. (If the silence make some uncomfortable, they maybe lie.)
    7th, Pay attention details.
    8th, Change the subject.

    This clip is very useful.
    but, I am fed up with such tip.
    It shoud have been fresh tip.

    32102666 허종화(Heo Jong Hwa)
