Saturday, March 13, 2010

Food Tricks

Have a look at the clip. In the "comments" section, write a response to the video. Include a summary of the clip, then write about your personal feelings or reactions to the clip.


  1. This woman is a food stylist. She teaches us how to make an ordinary burger look great in a commercial. She cooks the burger for only twenty seconds, so it is still raw, then brands it with her skewer. Next we looks for a bun with a perfect shape and glues sesame seeds to it. She places cardboard on the bun so the burger doesn't make it soggy. Then she cuts one section out of the meat and stretches it so it looks bigger, and she paints it with food dye to give it a good color. She keeps lettuce in ice water to keep it fresh and crisp. Then she puts the vegetables on the burger with pins to make it look bigger.

    I thought this was a good video because it helped me to look at fast food commercials more critically. Sometimes I see a fast food ad and feel really hungry, but when I buy a burger at the restaurant it looks terrible. I think its dishonest for these commercials to show this kind of burger when it doesn't look anything like the real burgers in the restaurant.
    Curtis Porter 123456

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  3. This video clip said commercial burger's trick to us. She teach us how to make that burger in house. Her job is food stylist. First she cooks the meat short time. So it is rare. She brands it with skewer to make grilled shape. Next she chooses a good shape of bun and sticks sesame seeds to top of bun. Then she puts cardboard on the bun to prevent it from meat. Because the bun with meat will soggy. Then she cuts meat small 'v' shape and tear it. And she brushes meat with good color to make looks delicious. She keeps lettuce look crispy and fresh. Then she piles up this order : bun-meat-lettuce-vegetables-bun. She uses pin to secure the ingredients and make big size.

    I was surprised at businessman's idea. They use wonderful trick to earn more money. I thought that was good idea. Frankly If the photo of burger is not delicious, who want to eat the burger. Of course as a child I was disappointed many time because of that trick. But taste was good. The ingredients was not trick. So I thought that trick is the good business way. I want to creative think like this.
    이태용(Lee TaeYong) 32102032

  4. In this video clip she is a food stylist.
    Her name is Jennifer.
    She shows us how burger looks delicious.
    She cooks the meat in short time and then brands it using her skewer.
    Next she brings a good bun and decorate it with sesame seeds with glue.
    She places cardboard on the bun because it prevents burger looks soggy.
    she cuts meat and streched it. so it looks bigger.
    And to make the meat more juicy she brushes meat.
    She keeps lettuce fresh and crisp.
    Finally she put the vegetables,and fixed it with pin.

    I think that is good video clips.
    Because it was help my health.
    In fact I really love burgers ,so my health is very bad.
    I know it was bad but it is difficult to stop.
    but after watching this no longer want to eat a hamburger.
    최연진(Choi Yeon Jin) 32102230

  5. She is a food stylist.
    She teaches us how to make burger.
    Frist, she bakes the meat for a second.
    Next, she brands the meat in line.
    Next, she brings a bun on the bread with glue.
    Next, she cuts the meat. And Fixed the food with pin.
    Finally, Potato stick fixed the frame.

    This video is very useful trick for cook in my home.
    I think that food stylist is very good job.
    Hamburger look so very delicious.
    Ok good bye.
    강승균(Kang Seung Kyun)32101880

  6. This stript is how to make tricking hamberger in ads. In this script, one woman,name is Jnnifer,stylist, show us making process. At first, she grill a beef and brands it with skewer. Second, prepare a bun with flat board. Third, she puts lettuce with using pin to fasten it. Fourth, she puts tomato and pickle, and squeezes two color sauce. Finally, she drop a bun.

    actually, this vedio give me a question, because I think many people eat hamberges hate hamberger after looking this vedio. And why hamberger in ads are not same actual hamberger.
    박창희(chang hee park) 32102178

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  8. In this burger trick video, The food stylist Jennifer shows us how to make Ordinary burger look good in visual.
    She cook the patties for 20seconds on each side to make it look juicy even though it's stil raw. and then glue the sesame in the buns then pin the veges and cut off the small part of patties to make it look good. also she mentions that they use this trick in Commercial broadcast in order to make stimulate consumers.

    Frankly I'm fed up with this burger trick video. By fooling the commercial viwers with some tricks they use in food styiling only concentrating in profit making. Personally I think that all the consumers has right to see the exact burger that they sell in store. It may look mouthwatering but after all it's all FAKE!

    32101864 유태준

  9. In this video, food stylist, Jenifer show us how to make burger look good on televistion.
    cook meat for 20 seconds and brand this cooked meat with skewer.
    Then choose bun of perfect shape and carefully glue sesame seeds on bun.
    Take piece of board, put it on the bottom and put down prepared meat on this board.
    Then cut the meat and spread it to enlarge and make that show outsides.
    Put colour on the meat with food dye.
    Finally put some vegetables on using pin to fix and give us good impression.

    I've never wondered why burgercommercial looks good. But I've wondered why burger in commercial is diffent from the burger in reality. After watching this video I konw answer to this question.
    First of all,I'm surprised at cutting the meat to enlagre. Each time When I ate the burger,I'm irritate with meat in burger. Beacouse meat always lean to curtatin place. so I leaft the burger owing to no meat.
    After all, I'd better not belive what commercial says.

    32102197 유현숙

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  11. This clip shows many food ad's falseness. In this clip, One lady who is foodstylist shows process of Burger and Franchfries used commercial ad ONLY. During making Burgers, she used many bad things like pin, glue. So, Burger which makes like this isn't delicious when we eat,but delicious when we just see.

    Many ads, speacially ads about foods, uses better goods' image then real goods image. And advertiser write "This picture can be different with real goods." in ad's edge. In reality, pizza ad's pizza looks more delicious then real pizza. Vehicle ad's Vehicle looks more wonderful then real vehicle. So, we shouldn't think that goods are cool or fine just watching ads.

    32101951 이택진(Lee Taek jin)

  12. in video, we see a woman who is food stylist.
    she shows how food ad's tick ous,
    she makes hamberger look like ad's hamberger.
    but don't eat it.
    because this hamberger use pin, raw meat.

    l like tv and see many advertise.
    in tv ad's, stimulate my appetite.
    so, i buy a food that stimulate my appetite
    in tv.
    but, it's appearance don't like tv.
    i think, an exaggerative advertisement should
    but, we know that advertisement is fake
    so, we need to judgement.
    we do not say "Don't advertise food like this clip!" ,
    just we judge,think it.

    32102023 안선호(Ahn Sun Ho)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. In this video, one women teach us to make a burger look delicious in TV commercial ad.
    First, she roast meat. But, meat still raw since she is only roast 20seconds. Next, she attach sesame on bun and put cardboard on bun. Beacuase bun with meat is very soggy. And than, she cut meat little like V, and paint on meat in order to look good on television. Last, fix the lettuce with the pin. The lettuce put in ice water in order to keep fresh.
    And, now make totato stick. Just, arrange trick totato stick on the syrofoam.

    I interst in this video at first time. Because we can see food ads in the street, food store and in the tv ads. But I don't know food in ads is trick. Sometimes,When I go to food court, first look display stand and then I choose food look like delicious.
    But, sometimes that food taste is bad.
    So, my opnion is that look like good in ads is important but that food must be really good and delicious. Not the trick.

    32101965 정동준(Jeong Dong Joon)

  15. She is in the studio and her job is foodstylist.So, she expain a way how to make a good look hambergur in the TVcommercial.
    First, A meat grilled a few seconds, like 20~30 seconds
    Second, it brand em.
    Third, choose a perfect shaped bun and glue some seeds on it
    Fourth, put a hardboard on the bottom and the grilled meat.
    fifth, cut a piece of meat to enlarge the hambergur.
    sixth, put some vegetables on the heap and it is pinned to look a good shape.

    Before I show this video, I really feel the hambergur on the TV commercial looked like very very delicious. but After I show this video, it is a TV commercial Fake to correct buyer. So, I will distinct some TVcommercial fake not to deceive it.

    32101978 최영준

  16. This video clip show to us how to make hambuger using in commercial.One woman who is foodstyilst shows how to make delicious hamburger like in commercial.
    First, she roasted a meat just a few seconds so it is stil raw. And it brand em with a skewer.
    Second, chooging a good buns and gluing sesame seed to buns.
    Third, she places cardboard and meat which cut some piece on the bottom.
    Last, put some vegetables like cabbage, pickle and pin them.

    I don't know there are trick in commercial food. Sometimes I think "Why are they look so different reality food and commercial food?". In commercial they are just look so delicious. But real is not. I learned one lesson to this video clip. We trust commecial a little bit.

    32102176 박진현

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  18. She makes burger tasty but not really taste I think. She uses raw meat and put cardboard in the burger. And fix it with pins, brushes color to look tasty, cut and rip the meat.
    All the thing whay she did was shoking!!!

    I always thought 'Why my burger is smaller than I saw?'. I know why that does now.
    I didn't know that they make food different as what we eat. I knew they make food for display as same as what we eat. They just make as same as what we see........
    This video was shoking!!
    I need to check what people eating not the one displayed.
    But I applaud to person who made this trick.
    It might be harmful effect of commercial.

    32101851 류기성

  19. this clip`s purposes what told us the tirck of hamburger ad. the woman of clip is food stylist. she show us making hamburger for commercial. she use many toll, but that is inedible. so hamburger of comercial ad is not real. just a fine view

    i like hamburger. acutally i ate that today
    this clip is very shock for many people, but not me. I think many comercail ad is false.
    so i`m not shocking this clip. after a time, i eat hamburger

    32101901 김현우(kim hyun woo)

  20. This clip solves the curiosity why does the burger always looks so good in TV commercial. Food stylist Jennifer is showing a process in studio. she grills the burger in just a 20 seconds and brands it with her skewer. Next she glues a sesame on the bun for perfect look. She places a cardboard on the bun and spread the bun to large. And than she paints it for beautiful color to looks good on TV. Finally she fixed some vegetables using pin.

    Through this clip, I solve my curiosity about commercial and I was disappointed at trick. After careful manipulation,the burger was completed and my mouth watered when I see the commercial.I have a feeling that TV commercial is lying. I think an exaggerated advertisement has to disappeared.

    32102195 유다은

  21. This video shows hamburger's trick in commercial. One woman teachs us about food trick. She is a food stylist. First, she cooks meat but meat are rare. And she brands meat for making appetizing food. Second, seeds attach the bun with glue. Next, she cut a piece of meat and spread meat to enlarge and she painting the meat. she put some vagetable and holds with pin. So this burger has good shape.

    When I ate burgers(or food), I thought why burgers not same picture. This video give solution. That burger is terrible. but this trick is need. If fastfood store made burgers for commercial without food trick, it would very bad shape and people think it is not delicious. Also, that burger don't sell anyway. So I think this trick is need for store. But honestly i'm so resentment because i'm deceived by appearance many times.

    32101972 조희연 (Jo Hee-yeon)

  22. This woman is food stylist.
    Her name is Jennifer.
    She solve why burger looks good in TV commercial. First, she fries the meat. However,the meat is still raw. Then,she brands the meat with her skewer and glues seeds in perfect bun. Next, she places cardboard on a bun so that the burger does not have it soggy. Then she cuts the meat so that the burger looks bigger. Next she paints the meat with brush so it makes appetizing. Then she places lettuces on the burger and pins them.

    This clip reveals TV commercial's truth.
    After I knew about it, I wasn't interested any more in TV commercials. Therefore, I think that food sylists shoudn't reveal TV commercial's secret. Because, If the secret is revealed, the corporations are damaged financially.

    허종화(Heo Jong Hwa) 32102666

  23. SHe is Food stylist, Jennifer
    She want to talk trick in making hamburger

    The trick is,
    First, Fries meat until raw. Second, brandth meat with skewer. Next,place cardboard on a bun. Then, Cuts the meat because meat is looks bigger more than original size.
    Next she paints meat because it makes appetizing. Finally she places lettuces burger and pins them.

    After See this clip, i don't trust ad any more Because TV commercial's secret is revealed. After this time, when I see the ad, i have to more critical power.

    이현빈 32102211

  24. this is the video clip that reveals the truth of hamburgers in ads that stimulate consumer's appetite. this video shows how to make 'fake burger' which we can see in hamburger ads. she cut the meat because of spread it to enlarge and use the pins to fix the vegetable.

    This three-minute youtube video makes me think about exaggerated ads again. Whenever I go to a restaurant, I can see lots of food pictures on the menu board which makes me feel hungry. Those pictures actually attract customer's attention. Right after I saw the mouth-watering pictures there, I ordered some food, but I couldn't get the food that I expected. Actual hamburgers are much smaller than those in pictures. But those pictures are deceiving consumers into buying 'fake burgers' which is definitely a deceit to consumers.

    32102202 이강훈(Lee Kanghoon)

  25. This woman is a food stylist. She makes a nomal burger to show us delicious. She heats meat until row and brands it em. And she brings to look perfect burns and glues sesame seeds to it. She puts a board on a burn so that doesn't make it soggy.
    She puts fresh lettuce on a burn. So this burger looks tasty.

    I think this tricks are nice but now don't be cheated.

    이성천(Lee Sungchun) 32101938

  26. The video clip shows how to make an advertizement's hamberger that looks like delicious.
    First, she cooked a beef and scorch it to stripe patten. Second, she glued sesame to a hamburger bun. Next, she lay a piece of cardboard to avoid bun is soggy and pile up ingredient to use pin. Last, to make delicious french fris, she arranged it like flowers.

    I knew to make a commercial burger need many effort. And I want to make it. Someday I try to make it. I want to know other foods' trick.

    32102162 김은애(Kim Eun-ae)

  27. This video shows why hamburger looks great in a commercial. She who came out video is food stylist. She teachs us the trick. She cooks beef until raw and brands it with her skewer. Next she glues cardboard, cuts meat small V shape, and spread it. Then she paints it to be looked delicious. She holds lettuce with pins.

    When I go to Mcdonald, I order a hamburger in a menu. And when I receive it, I see that real hamburger is not commercial it.
    I thought that this video is useful. Because this video teachs us that do not be deceived in ads.

    음영재(Eum young-jae) 32102030

  28. In this clip, a woman emerges and teachs us how to trick the burger.
    she's name is jeniffer and she is food stylist.
    these kind of thing is ticketed for commercial ads.
    first, she roast meat for only twenty seconds to show us that meat is delicious-looking.
    then, she brands meat with her skewer.
    next, she sort out a good shape of bun from buns and attachs sesame seeds to it.
    then, she puts cardboard on the bun to keep it from wetting.
    next, she cuts meat 'V'shape using scissor, take away V shape's meat and then stretches it so it looks bigger.
    then, she paints meat with brush to make meat delicious and puts fresh and crisp lettuce,tomato,pickle on it and then fixs.

    I think this clip is very useful to know fast-food restaurant's marketing strategy.
    also, we can learn about making a basic hamburger.
    above all things, I write english for myself and learn many english words,grammer,etc..
    Thank you for the opportunity to work on such an interesting assignment.

    32102025 유영진(Yoo Youngjin)

  29. She is a make-up artist for food. She knows how to make the burger always looks so nice on ad.
    First,she grilled a piece of meat for 20 seconds. The meat remained raw.
    Second,she attached some glue seeds on the top of the bread.
    Third,she laid a platform on the lowest bread, and laid a meat on them.
    Fourth,she cut out part of the meat and spread to enlarge the meat.
    Fifth,she painted a meat by using some food coloring. It made a burger nice. And then, the burger was put on a pin.
    All of these process was a method for good empression of the burger.
    Lastly,she arranged some french fries by sticking.

    I didn't want to know the process of making burger for advertisement. It was disgusting even if the show was fake. I don't want to eat burger anymore.

    32101997 김성수(Kim Sungsu)

  30. This woman teach us the commercial ad's tricks that make hamburger look delicious. Woman's job is food stylist.
    She use many tools and raw meat we can't eat.
    These tools are used to just fix and to make hamburger look delicious.

    I like hamburger very much.
    Hamburger between in tv ads and in store are so different.
    But hamburger is so delicious I eat actually.
    So even if television ads use any tricks, I don't care.

    32102167 김준태(Kim jun tae)

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. in this video, a woman(a food stylist) teaches how to look better in a burger commercial.
    First, she cooks meat for twenty seconds to look extra juicy but meat are raw.
    And she brands meat with her skewer. Second, seeds are being attached to the buns with glue.
    Next,she places a cardboard on the bun and spread meat to enlarge. and she paints it
    she put some vagetable and holds with pin.
    finally, burger looks very delicious

    I finally understand why the hamburgers on the tv were so Different when compare to ordinary hamburgers..
    I was surprise to know commercial tricks, however
    exaggerated advertisements, might be good and effective on the industry aspects but when it comes to consumers it can cause lots of chaos and confusions, at this point i made up my mind once more not to be foolished by those exaggerated ads in tv.

    32102043 정재호

  33. Food stylist Jennifer explain how to make food tricks in a ad.
    Bake meat for twenty seconds and brand meat with skewer. Then she brings to look perfect burns and glues sesame seeds to it. Next she glues cardboard in bottom and cuts meat and spread it because this tool looks so big. Then she paints it to look delicious. She holds lettuce with pins.
    Food tricks finish

    This video is very shocking.
    Usually I thougt commercial is very exagerating but this one did not expect much
    Such ad fooled consumer
    So consumer legally stop food tricks

    32101912 박찬영(Park Chan Young)

  34. The hamburger that is appeared in this tv ads is introducing that how to make model of hamburger. The announcer visits food stylist Jennifer to know method that looks more delicious than real taste in tv ad ads. she introducing her job and that how to make model of hamburger.
    1. she roast meat for 20second. until running meat gravy. but meat a row
    2. she dress up stripe onto meat looks more delicious use to knife
    3. This time she guled the seeds onto the bread.
    4. she places a cardboard onto bread and drop the meat onto the cardborad
    5. she cuts meat in the shape of V and spread to enlarge
    6. she paints it to looks delicious like tv ads
    7. she put some vagetable, tomato and pickle and attach sth with a pin.
    8. finally she arranges some french fries like flowers.

    I know real foods that is appeared in tv ads. I'm feel a sense of betrayal that the foods is imitation. But I'm surprising that very short ads be born through delicate work. And I want to make it. So forward, I should think real hard time of food stylist when I see various food ads.

    32102005 김채경

  35. THis video teach us how to make ad's tricks.
    She is food stylist.How to make?
    1. She cook meat raw.
    2. She brands meat with her skewer.
    3. She glue seed on bread.
    4. She places cardboard on bread.
    5. She cuts meat V shape.Meat spread to enlarge
    6. She paints meat to give it a good color
    7. She places vegetables on the burger with pin to make it look bigger.

    This video is interesting to me. Because i'm interested in this field. Exhibited food is always looks delicius. But, real food is so disapoint. This video solve my curiosity .

    32101959 임진욱

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Jennifer who is food stylist shows us the process of making burger most delicious in this clip. She cooks the patty raw, and brand it with skewer. And the patty looks more delicious. Then she cuts one side of the patty in shape of A and enlarge the patty. She choose a best shape of buns, and glue sesames on it. And she pile the bun, a cardboard, the patty, and fix with pin, pile the fresh lettuces, tomatoes.... and pin. The reason of piling cardboard is for the bun not soggy. Then, the most delicious and moreish burger was produced!

    As expected, she is an artist! Her product is really surprising. Her idea was very brilliant. But it was little shoking. The burger looks very delicious, but we must not have it. Although the process of making commercial burger was shoking and not sanitary, but it is just use of advertisement, it is okay. However I want to eat the REAL burger like that. This video was very interesting. Thank you Curtis!

    32101876 함아름(Ham Ah reum)

  38. jennifer is a foodstylist who tells us how to make food look delicious on advertisement

    she mainly uses raw meats and chops into big pieces of meats

    stick sesame with glue on the top of bread that has a piece of paper underneath and it is fixed with a pin

    in case of french fries, they are arranged in a shape of flower

    At first time, i was shocked It was unbelievable

    It's real JUNK food
